By Catholic Evangelist, Eddie Russell FMI
Saint Theresa of Avilla once said, “A saint that is sad, is one sad saint.”
How true that is. Especially when we consider that we should be the happiest people on the earth. Jesus prayed that His Joy would be in us and that would make our own joy complete. (John 17:13).
God is Love, and the God of Love, loves us!
We hear these words so much these days. It is certainly a far cry from the days of hell-fire and brimstone and, given that it can be taken literally, it should change our lives and our self-esteem for the better.
Sadly, in a lot of cases it doesn’t. So many Christians fall into despair and self condemnation in spite of this. Their self-esteem seems to be governed by what others think rather than what God thinks.
This seems so no matter how much God demonstrates His Love for them in their every day circumstances.
This is especially true when we feel we don’t deserve it.
Ahah!… Perhaps that is the problem!
We think we have to deserve it! Worse still, we think we have to earn it! Is this the way you think?
Then give up dear friend because you can’t earn it! And you will certainly never deserve it. You see it is a free gift which must be accepted as simply as receiving a Christmas present. And that’s the point; as simply as receiving a Christmas present!
This free gift is called “Grace.” A word which means; unmerited, or unearned favour.
You have been receiving grace from your Insurance Company for many years and probably didn’t realise it. How so? Well, every time your policy is due for renewal, the Insurance Company keeps you covered until you have paid the premium. This is the case even though your policy has run out.
If you check with your Insurance agent, or read your policy, you will discover that this is called “a period of grace”. In other words, you haven’t paid for it, you don’t deserve it, but they keep you covered anyway. It is a free gift and, if something untoward happened during that time, you would still be paid out in full for any loss or damage.
Amazingly, we can take a human promise and accept it wholeheartedly without doubt or fear.
In fact if your Insurance Company tried to weasel out when you made a claim, you would be most upset and demand your justice. Surely, we should at least give God the benefit of the doubt regarding his Grace. He has given us an “Abundant Life Policy” bought and paid for by Jesus who has got you “covered” for eternal life by his Blood.
You could say that the Bible is your Divine Insurance Policy. It has some amazing clauses that spell out what God “really thinks” about you.
It is estimated that there are some 30,000 promises in the Bible and they all belong to you. Below you will find some of those clauses that pertain to you personally. Follow the ten points of agreement and you will begin to receive the full benefits of your Divine Insurance.
– Fill in and Sign your Policy below to make your claim-
Follow the instructions below to find out what God really thinks about you and receive the benefits of your claim.
1: Download this page.
2: Place your name in the spaces provided.3: Read the clauses twice a day (morning and evening) until you own each statement.
4: Read the statements slowly and carefully.
5: If you find something hard to believe, take God’s Word that it is true anyway.
6: Ask him to reveal the reason that you cannot accept any one of the statements.
7: Trust him to answer your prayer.
8: Allow God to heal you in that area.
9: Believe what is said and make this a priority.
10: Accept every statement as you would a Christmas gift.
Important Notice:
* The Premium on this “Abundant Life Insurance Policy” has been fully paid by Jesus Christ of Nazareth 2000 years ago.
* By the amount of the debt fully paid on behalf of the Signatory, the same Jesus of Nazareth has Fully Redeemed the person whose name appears on this “Policy” and duly claims the “Signatory” for Himself.
Fill out this form to receive your benefits in full.
Signatory – Please sign your full name here:
I, …………………………………………………………………….admit that I am lost and damaged. I claim that I be found and restored by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To this end I “agree” to the following truths, thereby stating this is what God “really thinks” about me:
(Place your first name in the spaces provided).
……………….. I made you in my image and likeness, and when I made you I saw that you are good.
[clause (a) Genesis 1: 27-31]
…………………. you are my work of art, – and part of my household.[clause (b) Ephesians 2: 10 & Ephesians 2: 22]
You ……………… reflect like a mirror the brightness of the Lord, and grow brighter and brighter as you are turned into the image that you reflect, this is my work.
[clause (c) 2 Corinthians 3: 10]
……………….., I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavens as I chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish in my presence.
[clause (d) Ephesians 1: 3-4]
……………….. you are my friend.
[clause (e) John 15: 15]
I made you, ……………….., only a little less than the Angels, and crowned you with glory and honour.
[clause (f) Psalm 8: 5]
……………….. you are a god, the son of the Most High.
[clause (g) Psalm 82: 6]
I am your Shepherd, you shall not want.
[clause (h) Psalm 23]
……………… I have loved you with an everlasting love, and therefore I am constant in my affection for you.
[clause (i) Jeremiah 31: 3 ]
I have brought you to life in Christ and by this favour (Grace) you are saved.
[clause (j) Ephesians 2: 5]
I am silently planning for you in love.
[clause (k) Zephaniah 3:17]
Do not be afraid ……………….. for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name, you are mine. Should you pass through the sea I will be with you, or through rivers they will not swallow you up. Should you walk through fire you will not be scorched and the flames will not burn you. For I am Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel your Saviour.
[clause (l) Isaiah 43: 1-3]
You are precious in my eyes ……………… You are honoured and I love you.
[clause (m) Isaiah 43: 4]
……………… you are worth more than many sparrows.
[clause ( n) Luke 12: 24]
You have been born again to a living hope.
[clause (o) 1 Peter 1: 3]
I, Christ, loved you ……………… and sacrificed myself for your sake.
[clause (p) Galatians 2: 20]
Now you are able to appear before me, blameless, holy and pure.
[clause (q) Colossians 1: 22]
Christ is in you, your hope of glory.
[clause (r) Colossians 1: 27]
When Christ is revealed, and he is your life ……………….., you will be revealed in all your glory with him.
[clause (s) Colossians 3: 4]
You are not your own property ……………… you have been bought and paid for.
[clause (t) 1 Corinthians 6: 20]
…………….. I know you fully.
[clause (u) 1 Corinthians 13: 12]
You have become the goodness of God.
[clause (v) 2 Corinthians 5: 21]
You ………………. are the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you.
[clause (w) 1 Corinthians 1: 19]
……………….. you have become an ambassador for Christ. It is though I were appealing through you.
[clause (x) 2 Corinthians 5:20]
Even in this world you have become as I am.
[clause (y) John 4: 17]
Please write your full name and sign with your normal signature in the space provided.
Finally, complete the date at the end of this document and keep it in a safe place.
I, …………………………………………………………….. testify that the above statements about me are true.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………
Witness No 1: The Father.
Witness No 2: The Son.
Witness No 3: The Holy Spirit.
The Biblical Truths contained in this document relating to the “Signatory” have been duly agreed, witnessed & Sealed in the Blood of the Lamb:
………. / ……… / ……….
for all eternity. Amen.
Abundant Life Insurance Unlimited.
Even though this page is presented in a fun way, the truths it contains in the Word of God for you are infallible. By signing the Policy Claim and reading the affirmations each day you are placing yourself in a position to receive what it contains.
Saint Paul tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). If you read these statements faithfully they will begin to become a reality in your life. Your self-esteem will conform to the way God thinks about you rather than the way you, the world or others think.
Yes, that’s what it’s all about. All you have to do is turn yourself around, but, let’s just forget all the “Hokie Pokie.”
Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Flame Ministries International
A Catholic Neo-Pentecostal Lay Preaching Organisation “Feeding the Poor in Spirit.”