By Eddie Russell


In an ever darkening world of an antichrist and a new generation of atheism and immorality, God is raising Warriors of Light to combat the spiritual darkness of this so called, New Age.

Growing global governance and religious intolerance, especially against Christians, is advancing at an alarming rate. If we add that to the neo-Gnosticism that has infiltrated the Church over the past 40 + years, the situation is grim.

Jesus asked, “if salt were to loose its flavor, with what can it be salted?”

In just two generations, the Judeo-Christian ethic, the salt that advanced Western civilization, has been all but removed from secular education, politics, and hence society. The result is that a formed moral conscience is replaced with relativism and individualism, and consequently, lawlessness, intolerance and violence, the solution for which is an ever growing rule by law and virtual police states on a global scale.

This is the Last & Final Harvest!
Listen now to this urgent message of the last signs

We cannot turn back the prophetic clock of the Book of Revelation and deny the signs and the nature of the spiritual warfare of the times.

However, we can be as bold as Lions, and bravely present a clear alternative until Jesus returns; one that can be clearly seen and not just heard, although both are required for effective witness.

Recently, the Lord Jesus said through prophecy at Flame Ministries’ St. Mary’s Cathedral Praise Meeting (CPM)… “In these days, the young shall be as the wisdom of age, and the aged will be as though young. You are to seek a new wisdom for these times from the Spirit of Truth to combat lying sophistries. You are to be one together and undivided.”

If you have carried a burden for these times, and sensed an urge to act, but have not yet known why or how, then you could have heard the calling of the Lord Jesus to become a new generation: A Joshua Generation; one that has a double portion of the Spirit as did Elisha and living with the boldness of Jeremiah.

In short, you are called to be, “Prophets and Apostles of a New Age.” (Pope Benedict XVI WYD Sydney 2008)

Joshua, Son of Nun, took up the mantle of leadership of the Israelites at the time of Moses death. Joshua was a strong and courageous young leader who led God’s people fearlessly into the Promised Land… “Now Joshua son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him. So the people of Israel obeyed him and did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” Deuteronomy 34:9.

You too, like Joshua, Elisha, and Jeremiah, are to take up the mantle of leadership in your circle of life, and join the ranks of the Warriors of Light, and like Saint Paul, be a witness to the Truth.

Here are some personal characteristics of the Joshua (J) Generation that were revealed by the Holy Spirit in prayer. How do you identify?

IMPORTANT READ EACH STATEMENT WITH COMPLETE HONESTY and make a note (Eg: 15 = 2. 16 = 3 etc) if you can identify with it, either because you are doing it, recognize it as part of your character, or have held genuine desires to become it and live by it… Your honest appraisal will help you to discern if you are a member of the J-Generation that is to take back the land (rights) that God promised and gave to us that the devil has stolen in our days.


If you are ready to begin?

Rate yourself as follows: Never 0 – Little 1- Some 2 – Much 3

1 – I have a zeal for the salvation of souls and pray for their salvation.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

– I am a leaven for integrity in the workforce and in my business dealings without compromise.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

3 – I help others to succeed and do better than me without fear of loss of personal esteem.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.
– I am faithful to the Pope, his delegated authorities, Church teaching and attending the Mass .
Or, to my Pastor and Church Services if not Catholic)

# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

5 – I am bold in my faith and unashamed to demonstrate it with gentleness.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

6 – I am unashamed of witnessing to Jesus no matter the cost.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

7 – I realize I am in the Kingdom of God on earth and wherever I am, I demonstrate its goodness.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

8 – I am aware that wherever I place my foot, I am consecrating the ground and claiming it for Jesus.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

– I am more than a conqueror in all things; personal, spiritual, corporate and social.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

10 – I am an over-comer: I forgive quickly, face up to problems and find positive solutions.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

11 – I support those weaker than me even at the risk of looking foolish to others.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

12 – I respect, listen to, learn from, and show honor to the elderly as my mentors.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

13 – I am a mentor to the young and aspire to give good example while seeking ways to improve myself.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

14 – I support the poor. Especially the downtrodden, hungry and victimized and I am prepared to share financially with them.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

15 – I oppose injustice without violence using lawful means to change unjust laws.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.
16 – I am a lover of God’s truth and expose falsehood with an attitude of love.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

17 – I seek personal excellence in my life as well as in my dealings with others.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

18 – I wear tasteful sacramental symbols even at the risk of ridicule or rejection.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

19 – I share the Gospel gently, and do not answer questions for which I have no answers.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

20 – I seek to be humble and can willingly admit the good about myself.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

21 – When challenged about my wrongdoing, I tell the truth and accept correction willingly.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

22 – I am desirous of the Charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to serve and build the Body of Christ.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

23 – I am not afraid of wealth and success in order to bless others and support full time ministers.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

24 – I study the Bible regularly in order to live by the Word of God.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

25 – I am none-Judgmental in my dealings with people, especially close friends and family; I forgive quickly. # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

26 – I pray daily or unceasingly to build a personal relationship with God through Christ animated by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

27 – I am a person of vision and purpose.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

28 – I am Bible believing and Word-acting to seek after God’s wisdom.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

29 – I believe all things are possible and I am prepared to make them so.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

30 – I care enough to pass this on to all my friends.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.



Please continue.

1 B – While waiting to be released into ministry, they spend their time in the presence of the Lord (Exodus 33:11) # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

2 B – Willing to accept correction while developing (discerning) their gifts (Exodus 32:17-18)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

3 B – Spend their time with the servant of the Lord, but are prepared to be ignored.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

4 B – Are zealous for God, but willing to learn from the older generation (Numbers 11:28-29)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

5 B – Are not concerned about ‘giants’ but about God’s Will (Numbers 14)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

6 B – The size of the task is not as important as the God of the task (Numbers 14)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

7 B – Do not become despondent over what has passed, but are focused on God (Joshua 1:2)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

8 B – When faced with an impossible task, they stand firm in the Word of God (Joshua 1:6)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

9 B – No one can withstand them (Joshua 1:5)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

10 B – Firm with the Word, but gentle with the application prepared for what may come (Joshua 1:11)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

11 B – Inherit wisdom from the Moses’ in their lives who trained them (Joshua 2:1)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

12 B – Have no problem with a Moses continuing to get glory through their ministry 
(Joshua 3:7) because God will exalt them, and they will accept that exaltation in humility.
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

13 B – Observe the Word of God diligently 
(Joshua 1:7)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

14 B – Know the Word of God and desire to understand more (Joshua 1:7)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

15 B – Love the Word of God (Joshua 1:8)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

16 B – They are ready with a Word whenever needed (Joshua 1:7)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

17 B – Live by the Word of God (Joshua 1:8)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

18 B – Recognize that any success they have is a direct consequence of their love of God’s Word. (Joshua 1:8,) # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

19 B – Meditate day and night on the Word of God to achieve their goals (Joshua 1:8)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

20 B – Carry their Bibles with them (Joshua 1:8)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

21 B – Recognize that all their success is from God (Joshua 1:11, God is giving them the land, not Joshua) # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

22 B – Leaders through being able to follow orders; Obedient; Walk in the miraculous as did Moses (Joshua 3) # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

23 B – Are concerned about the next generation and assist them to achieve their dream (Joshua 4:6)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

24 B – Obedient to the covenant, and understand the covenant (Joshua 5:2)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

25 B – Hear the voice of God and obey it (Joshua 5:2)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

26 B – Even if they fail, seek God and obey (Joshua 7)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

27 B – Are prepared to look foolish, but will be obedient to God (Joshua 6)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

28 B – Merciful (Joshua 6:25)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

29 B – They are Servants of God (Joshua 24:15)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

30 B – Through wise counsel and prayer will adopt excellent tactics to accomplish victory for God. Do not forget Moses who went ahead of them (Joshua 8:30-35)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

31 B – Operate in the supernatural to achieve victory in the natural (Joshua 10:12,13)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

32 B – Recognizes his success is entirely from God 
(Joshua 10:8)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

33 B – Knows he can tread upon the full force of the enemy (Joshua 10:8 and Mt 10:19)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

34 B – They pass their wisdom onto the next generation, not keeping it as a ‘power game’ (Joshua 23)
# 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

35 B – Due to their zeal and love for God they have a massive influence on their generation and their nation (Joshua 24:31) # 0: Never – # 1: Little – # 2: Some – # 3: Much.

Highest you can Score for Part One: Personal Characteristics – 90
Highest you can Score for Part Two: Bible Characteristics – 105

When you have done this, contact your friends and see how you compare.
You might find many like-minded members of the J-Generation that are affecting the world for positive change in the Name of Jesus (Yeshua) Christ.