Revival Prophesy May 13th, 1993
Eddie Russell
“What you are seeing now, is what my heart has longed for and what you have prayed to see. This fire is now upon the earth. From this moment onwards, you will be hearing reports from various places around the world. This fire will come even without the laying on of hands. It will be seen in great numbers, as people who are gathered in prayer turn their hearts to me. Even where there is only two, it will be seen. Even though they have not prayed for it, it will come. You have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is now time for the Baptism of Fire. Be ready… And be prepared.”
Prophecy, explanation and comments: How it began: The Vision. The Word. The Explanation. The Confirmation. The Consequences.
On Thursday 13 May 1993, Catholic Evangelist, Eddie Russell FMI, saw a vision of what was revealed in prophecy to be a “Baptism of Fire” raining on the members of the Cathedral Praise Meeting in Perth Western Australia. Eddie explains: From that moment we have witnessed what appears to be an amazing Revival Anointing spread around the world. This Fire of God has touched the lives of millions of people regardless of the denominational boundaries. In different churches it has different names. Whatever it is called, one thing is for certain: God is a consuming fire and he is revealing his awesome presence in these days.
May 13th, 1993: The night it began.
May 13th 1993 was a very powerful time of praise and worship at our Revival Meeting in Perth. People were caught up in the Glory of God and His presence was almost tangible. I read from Matthew 3:7-12, when one of the men came forward to share a reading from “The Parable of the Ten Virgins” in Matthew 15:1-13. Immediately the Lord gave me a vivid insight to this text, so I began to explain this revelation and unfold the meaning of the vision as I understood at that time.
The Lord said that his people are like these virgins.
Whilst they all bring their lamps along with them, many do not bring oil and their lamps are empty. They become drowsy while waiting on Jesus, and many fall asleep. Others have their lamps filled, and are excited in anticipation of Jesus acting in their midst. He explained that the lamps represented the ‘person’ as they too were made of clay. The wick represented our lives and the oil was the Holy Spirit; We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and our lives thoroughly immersed in him. He continued to reveal that he was the Fire that ignited the wicks. However, if the wick was not trimmed and there was no oil in the lamp, the wick would burn up and be destroyed when the Bridegroom came. On the other hand, those who had trimmed their wicks and were filled with the Holy Spirit, would be inflamed by the Lord who is a Consuming Fire: They would enter the Bridal Chamber and their oil would never run out.
I understood that to ‘trim’ the wick meant to ‘repent’.
I called the people forward to the podium to repent and trim their wicks. As they did so my eyes were drawn to the ceiling: It began to change and became like a lake of blazing lava, swirling in multicoloured fire. The whole meeting was caught up in deep praise. As the praise grew higher, the fire began to fall. As it did so, it began to change from a threatening tumult, to a gentle rain of fire. This rain of fire looked like shinning electric gold, brilliant beyond description and it filled the whole room.
I noticed that it would bounce off those who had not trimmed their wicks (repented) and they could be clearly seen in contrast to the fire. Those who were repentant seemed to vanish as the rain of golden fire passed through them, and around them: They became totally consumed and vanished from natural sight. It was as though one was left, and the other taken away. When the others repented, the fire consumed them also. While this was happening
I began to speak as the Lord instructed me: “What you are seeing now, is what my heart has longed for (Lk 12:49) and what you have prayed to see. This fire is now upon the earth. From this moment onwards you will be hearing reports from various places around the world. This fire will come even without the laying on of hands. It will be seen in great numbers as people who are gathered in prayer turn their hearts to me. Even where there is only two, it will be seen. Even though they have not prayed for it, it will come. You have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is now time for the Baptism of Fire. Be ready and be prepared.”
Two weeks later I preached on this Baptism in Birmingham and a Fire was ignited in the heart of England as the Lord had revealed that night. Since that time we have received many reports as he said we would and they have all been reported in Blaze Magazine.
Prophecy fulfilled?
Two years later I came across the November 1980 edition of the “New Covenant” Magazine. To my surprise and delight, it had an article called “A Baptism of Fire” written by Fr. Michael Scanlon T.O.R. It mentioned a prophecy given in January 1980 to the National Advisory Committee for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the USA:
“You will have to stand for what you believe. You will have to choose between the world and me. You will have to choose what word you will follow and who you will respect. And in that choice, what has not been accomplished in a time of blessings and gifts will be accomplished in a baptism of fire. The fire will move among you and burn out what is chaff. The fire will move among you individually, corporately, in groups and around the world.”
I had not read this article before as far as I could remember and it hit me with force when I did. The similarity to what I had prophesied at the St. Mary’s Cathedral Praise Meeting in Perth, on Thursday, 13 May 1993 was uncanny. The Cathedral prophecy seemed to reveal that it was now time for the fulfillment.
Baptised with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
Father Scanlon’s article mentions the same Scripture that was given to me on that night at my meeting, “I baptise you in water for the sake of repentance, but the one who comes after me is more powerful than I, and I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptise you in the Holy Spirit and fire”(Matt. 3: 7-12,).
Notice the text says “and” fire. This denotes a distinctly different baptism in the same way that the horse is distinct from the cart. They are separate things and function differently with the one not relying on the other even though they go together. Furthermore it is not referring to the fire “of ” the Holy Spirit. The word “of” denotes a belonging to, or a consequence of something such as Paul “of ” Tarsus, Jesus “of” Nazareth or the heat “of” the day.
When we think of being touched by fire, we think of pain and shy away from it.
Comparing these two prophecies, I notice that in the last two sentences of the 1980 prophecy it says, “The fire will move among you and burn out what is chaff. The fire will move among you individually, corporately, in groups and around the world.”.
This prophecy does not seem to be referring to the secular world in its social, economic, or political disasters, or the commonly held belief of the fiery destruction of the unrepentant sinner at the final judgment. Even so, it is true to say that where sin abounds grace abounds even more. It is sin and human imperfections that cause world problems and the decay of moral principles based on God’s law is wreaking havoc. We are certainly in a time of abounding sin and therefore a greater need for effective evangelisation in a world that seeks phenomena as a sign of truth and reality.
These prophecies on the other hand, seem to be referring to problems in the Church and in the lives of individuals and are addressed to Christians. It is especially relating to our need for the purifying Grace of God’s Love to burn away the dross and chaff of sin that, in spite of our initial conversion and love of God, clings to us through the habits of our former sin nature that Saint Paul refers to as “the old man”. It seems therefore to be a preparation for the coming of the Bridegroom in a conversion experience by removing the spot and wrinkle of sin in our lives and it especially calls for repentance as a prelude to Revival.
If on the other hand, it is a preparation for the Bridegroom at the end of time, then the Baptism of Fire will indeed mean the destruction of the sinner as commonly understood. However this does not seem to be the emphasis here and so it seems more to do with entering into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ and the Word of God and, through effective evangelisation, remove the chaff of sin by conversion to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
The understanding regarding the term “Baptism of Fire” in this context is related to “Baptism” as meaning to be “Fully immersed into” and God as a “Consuming Fire”. – It means therefore to be “Fully immersed into God” somewhat akin to St. Theresa of Avila’s seventh mansion. It is also referring to Jesus as the Word and therefore also understood as being immersed in and consumed by, the Word of God. The prophet Jeremiah says, “Is not my word like fire, says the Lord, like a hammer shattering the rocks?” (Jeremiah 23:29).
It does not suggest nor propose a new Baptism. Each Catholic has Sanctifying Grace infused in the soul at their [water] baptism and sealed at Confirmation. The charismatic experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an event ministered by Jesus himself, is not therefore another baptism but a release and outpouring of what is already present. The Baptism of Fire as understood here is also an action of Christ by the Holy Spirit in order to bring us into relationship with him and to make us more effective in the work of evangelisation by giving a renewed enthusiasm and insight into the unfathomable love of God for ourselves and for others.
These events are not recorded here as a theological insight or definition, but rather as a report as it appeared on the night. Therefore the theology of these prophetic insights could be well questioned, and perhaps, until more fully understood, should be in order to plumb their deeper meaning. However, theological speculation is left up the the theologians to debate and hopefully that will be done in a spirit of faith and reason and not idle rejection due to their phenomenological nature.
Some examples of chaff: Hinduisation of the Church.
The New Age Movement, Pantheism, Hinduisation and Occultism in the Church have corrupted Christians in an alarming way. Many cannot distinguish between authentic Christian Mystical Meditation and Eastern mystical Yoga and Zen Buddhist meditation techniques. Neither can they seem to distinguish authentic Christian spirituality from Creation spirituality. Nor between Jesus Christ who has come in the flesh, from the Cosmic Christ, so called Christian Zen and the Enneagram.
These people think that they can synchronise other religions with the Holy Spirit to get them closer to Jesus, thinking that He won’t mind. When their practices are questioned, they angrily defend them with a zeal and vigor that one should have for Jesus. When I questioned the validity of the Enneagram recently, the person grew very angry and said, “how dare you speak about the Enneagram like that!…”.
Richard Rhor, a very popular preacher who is well known in the Charismatic Renewal for example, stated in an Enneagram Workshop he was conducting for Nuns in England, that when he looked upon the Enneagram, he looked upon the face of Christ! When I heard this on the tape I was horrified at such
blatant heresy. Worse still, no one questioned it. They simply accepted his argument and completed the course.
What is the Enneagram and where does it come from?
The Enneagram is from Sufism and was developed by George Ivanovitch Gurdijeff in its current form. Gurdijeff was an Armenian living in Russia from 1877 to 1947. Gurdijeff, who was an occultist and Sufi master, held the view that the universe is “a living and evolving structure administered by conscious beings” and, that universe is also “an intelligent organism.”
In his book, “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson” for example, Gurdijeff puts forward the argument that Beelzebub is not the Prince of Darkness found in Christian theology, but a member of the Cosmic Council. Gurdijeff also spoke of the planets and the moon as living beings. He was also deeply immersed in esoteric circles and taught about planetary influences, astral bodies, clairvoyance, telepathy, Kundilini and the Tarot Cards to name a few occult practices. Never-the-less many clergy and religious teach the Enneagram claiming that they have so-called, “Christianised” it. When nature is raised to the level of God, or God is brought to the level of nature, we have a heresy, and this is exactly what happens when people like Rhor make the Enneagram Christ, and Christ the Enneagram.
“In the name of the Mother, and of the Son, who is in the Spirit.”
Many teachers spout their own opinions, heresies or questionable theologies on the things of God, ignoring Holy Scripture and the authentic teachings of the Church. Talking to a Deputy Principal of a Catholic College in Perth recently, I was told that the R.E. teacher at his College ended her class with the sign of the cross, saying, “In the name of the Mother, and of the Son, who is in the Spirit.”
[*Authors Note – The above problem was dealt with and corrected. Adherence to the New Catholic Catechism has been established in this College. Over the years the Catholic Education Office in WA has been diligent in introducing the New Catholic Catechism. Recently, Principles and Teachers have been studying the new “General Directory for Catechesis.”]
The Lord’s prayer rewritten and abused by excommunicated Catholic Priest Matthew Fox, founder of Creation Spirituality.
The Heretical Lord’s Prayer from the New Zealand Book of Common Prayer.
“Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver, Source of all that is and that shall be Father and Mother of us all, Loving God, in whom is heaven, the hallowing of your name echo through the universe! Your heavenly will be done by all created beings! Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth. With the bread we need for today, feed us. In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us. In times of temptation and test, strengthen us. From trials too great to endure, spare us. From the grip of evil, free us. For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen.”
It is one thing to rewrite someone’s prayer, but the The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13 was taught by God Himself! It is the only prayer that God came to earth and spoke with His own mouth. It is God’s Perfect Prayer outlining a formula that God Himself will accept and respond to. Matthew Fox raises himself higher than Jesus Christ of Nazareth and has the nefarious audacity to correct the Son of God.
The Eucharistic Heresy.
Another corruption of faith is that the Eucharist in the Catholic Church is only a “memorial” supper and not the “real” presence of Jesus, body soul and divinity. This idea has been growing rapidly in the USA and it has come to my attention that this is a position proliferated in Australia too.
Christians are compromising their faith and morality in many ways, and are confused by the many voices that surround them. Many theologians seem to consider themselves to be teachers of the Church rather than the Bishops who are God’s appointed Teachers and, holders of the Faith. The “Baptism Of Fire” will have a devastating effect on this kind of corruption. It will burn it relentlessly and, anyone who chooses to cling to it.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the most important document this century. It has the ability to combat this crisis of truth if we have the courage to take it up and use it. It is a powerful weapon against false doctrine and suspect practices.
“The Baptism of Fire” is the manifestation of God amongst His people.
This fire comes to bring about a true repentance of the heart towards God. The consequence of repentance is the Baptism of Fire itself. It is a direct action of God (who is a consuming fire) upon the person that is often seen, and experienced, naturally and supernaturally. This action of God purifies and brings a complete refreshing of the whole person spiritually, mentally and physically.
The difference between this particular Baptism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, is the fact that the Baptism of Fire is usually experienced by those who have already received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. These people testify that it is a different experience altogether. It brings with it a renewed enthusiasm for evangelisation, Scripture, a greater empowering of the Charismatic Gifts and Ministries and a deep love for the Church and its mission to the world.
This fire is not a new manifestation in the Church.
The well documented account of St Philip Romolo Neri, Apostle of Rome, 1515 – 1595 testifies eloquently to this.
The Miracle of the Heart.
In the catacomb of S. Sebastiano a few days before Pentecost in 1544, the well-known miracle of his heart took place.
Bacci describes it thus: “While he (Saint Philip Neri) was with the greatest earnestness asking of the Holy Ghost His gifts, there appeared to him a globe of fire, which entered into his mouth and lodged in his breast; and thereupon he was suddenly surprised with such a fire of love, that, unable to bear it, he threw himself on the ground, and, like one trying to cool himself, bared his breast to temper in some measure the flame which he felt.
When he had remained so for some time, and was a little recovered, he rose up full of unwonted joy, and immediately all his body began to shake with a violent tremour; and putting his hand to his bosom, he felt by the side of his heart, a swelling about as big as a man’s fist, but neither then nor afterwards was it attended with the slightest pain or wound.” The cause of this swelling was discovered by the doctors who examined his body after death. The saint’s heart had been dilated under the sudden impulse of love, and in order that it might have sufficient room to move, two ribs had been broken, and curved in the form of an arch.
From the time of the miracle till his death, his heart would palpitate violently whenever he performed any spiritual action.
The fire burns the chaff.
As a purifying and refreshing fire it burns out the chaff of corruption, complacency, timidity, lethargy, sin and dryness of spirit. This fire purifies faith and
burns away unbelief rather than bringing pain to the person who is repentant. – It does not bring condemnation but acquittal and newness of life with new
opportunities to achieve one’s calling in God. Those who have experienced this fire say that they feel completely renewed and invigorated. – Those who have experienced the Baptism of Fire report a greater freedom and a refreshing of soul. For example, people tell us they have experienced a greater empowering by God and become refreshed and enthusiastic about their ministry and Christian life.
Different people have different experiences. A Catholic priest reported that he saw flickering fire all over his body that did not burn. The fruit of this experience was that his priesthood and zeal for proclaiming the Gospel grew with passion. Other experiences are heat or fire on top of the head. Others feel a gentle fiery rain often all over the body and a falling fiery rain can be seen in the room where people are praising God with heartfelt gratitude. Some see these things and others do not. Never-the-less, everyone reports a new enthusiasm and zeal in their faith.
It is time to heed the times.
When the fire fell on the Cathedral Meeting in 1993, it lined up with a vision that I received at an FMI Directors’ Meeting three years previously in 1990 while interceding for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Perth. I could see the sky, dark and billowing downwards ready to burst open with whatever force lay behind it. Below, I could see a valley with high mountains either side. In the valley were thousands of people milling around looking lost. Suddenly, with a flash of light that streaked across the sky, the clouds ripped apart and torrents of fire fell like water from a burst dam. As the fire hit the ground and gushed along the valley, thousands of people vanished in the fire and many were left behind, stumbling in confusion. Then the Lord said through prophecy, “This is how it will be when the time comes. Those who are ready will go with the fire, but those who are not, will be left behind in the valley of decision.”
I believe this is that time.
The fire is on the earth and those who are ready will be caught up into it. Those who are not will be left behind in the valley of indecision. God said He will not destroy the world again by water, but by fire. Perhaps it is a consequence of that fire we are seeing today. It certainly has a destructive effect on the three enemies of God in the soul: the world, the flesh and the devil. Maybe the Latter Rain is not water as many might suppose, but The Baptism Of Fire? Even so, it is a time of great revival and an opportunity for the Church if we are ready to receive it.
(DISCLAIMER: Due to certain Blogs that have aligned The Baptism of Fire with Pensacola and the Toronto Blessing, it is worth noting that the manifestation and subsequent prophesies of the The Baptism of Fire is in no way connect to the Rodney Howard Browne movement. In fact, no member of FMI have ever been to his meetings or any other meeting where the so-called holy laughter revival has been preached. In addition, there has never been a report or witness to any strange manifestations as associated with the Toronto Blessing: It was discerned at that Congress that The Baptism of Fire is not the Toronto Blessing nor in any way connected to it.)
This is the hour for your decision.
No matter what biblical or theological terminology is used to describe this present anointing, we cannot afford to sit lukewarm on the fence any longer. For those who have the eyes to see, falsehood and truth are moving apart at a rapid pace. The New Age is rapidly replacing traditional religion and also expresses itself in secular terms. The evil of this new religious consciousness is that it is vehemently anti-Christian and in particular, anti-Catholic.
In addition we have seen open persecution of the Church in what were Christian countries. Europe are even denying their Christian history in the their new constitution. It seems timely that a manifestation of the Holy Spirit such as the Baptism of Fire is occurring at this point in history because it refreshes and empowers the Charismatic experience too.
I believe this is the day and the hour for your decision. Do not let it pass you by like those foolish virgins did. They had not trimmed their wicks nor filled their lamps with oil. When the Bridegroom came at an hour they did not expect, they were not ready to enter the Bridal Chamber. When they came back to the house they found the door locked and they remained outside alone, and in the dark. (Matthew 25: 1-13)
BAPTISM OF FIRE Bible Study – International Standard Bible Encyclopedia – BAPTISM OF FIRE Definition.
The Baptism of Fire (en pneumati hagio kai puri): This expression is used in Mt 3:11. The copulative kai requires that the baptism “in the Holy Spirit and in fire,” should be regarded as one and the same thing. It does violence to the construction, therefore, to make this statement refer to the Fire of judgment. The difficulty has always been in associating fire with the person of the Holy Ghost. But in the connection of fire with the work or influence of the Holy Spirit the difficulty disappears. The thought of John is that the Saviour would give them the Divine Sanctifier as purifying water to wash away their sins and as a refining fire to consume their dross; to kindle in their hearts the holy flame of Divine love and zeal; to illuminate their souls with heavenly wisdom. The statement, therefore, in this verse indicates the manner in which Christ will admit them to discipleship and prepare them for His service. ~ Jacob W. Kapp.